19 August, 2008

OMG I finished something!?!?!

I promised myself i would not start this new blog till I had something finished. And well it happened!!!!! I actually finished a project. I know, I am just as amazed as you are.

So there it is, the String Bag by Erin Vaughn over at my best friends a dork. Soon I will have a link up in my side bar for her blog. The pattern was pretty easy, once you got going. And it would have been really easy if i didn't have some help from maggie. There are a couple of rows that have some artistic liscence added to them, but you can't tell unless you look up close. It is currently filled with yarn, instead of produce (which is its planned purpose). But well Yarn is the next best thing to fresh produce.

Last night i casted on the no purl monkeys, i hate ribbing cuffs but it is only for an inch so i will finish it up pretty soon. The whole time i am knitting the small cuff i will probably be mumbling abut how much i hate 1x1 ribbing.

So some of you probably wonder why the new blog??? Well for some odd reason google won't let me update my old blog. Tells me I don't have permission. So well since blogs are a dime a dozen, here is the new one. I promise I will be back to updating more. The pregnancy and immediately post prego was just insane, and I didn't have much time for anything. But lately I have been able to find a few minutes for myself here and there.

Now playing: Sara Bareilles - Fairytale
via FoxyTunes

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