22 August, 2008

Wow, am I really knitting something else??

I am very proud to announce that I am knitting something else, and it is cooking along nicely. I am working on the No Purl Monkeys, adapting the pattern where instead of purling all over the place you knit. I also dropped one of the last rows of k, so it is only a 10 row repeat. It is really really going fast, and i am not loosing my spot all over the place or anything.
I think i may get to the heal tonight.

I guess i am just warming up so i can knit the Susie Hoodie from the second Big Girl Knits book. That will be lots and lots of knitting and a pretty celtic cable. It looks like it is going to be the first KAL over at the Ravelry group. I just have to figure out what i am going to knit it out of and get that ordered.

1 comment:

MollyKnits said...

Oh my gosh!!! You are adapting a pattern to suit your own needs! I am all verklempt.